MASEVEN Opening under COVID19

The opening of our serviced apartment hotel in Munich Dornach can unfortunately not be celebrated in these times. A “Housewarming” event was planned for Wednesday, 18 March 2020, which we unfortunately had to cancel. Moreover,…

Aufgefüllte Saladette mit Tomaten, Kräutern und Salatsoßen

Sustainability at MASEVEN …

… begins for us with the selection of regional products and the processing of seasonal organic fruit and vegetables In the morning, at noon and in the evening the guest can enjoy our selected products…

Chief Operating Officer COO Denis Mair bei MASEVEN Hotel München

Introducing MASEVEN

We meet Denis Mair, Chief Operating Officer COO in the new MASEVEN Hotel and talk with him about the new name MASEVEN, the urban, digital life within the hotel and the topic of sustainability. Mr….